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The District was created in 1956 to provide irrigation water to agricultural lands located in northern Fresno County. The District’s SOI was determined by the Commission on November 26, 1975, and has remained relatively unchanged. A review of Commission records indicate that District growth has historically been restricted due to several factors, one of which includes its close proximity to Fresno Irrigation District which serves land south of the District. Another constraint to service area growth, as noted earlier, is the restricted water supply contract with the USBR. The District delivers surface water for agricultural uses to approximately 1,774 acres of its total 1,809 acres service area.

Water deliveries to Garfield are made from a turnout on the Friant-Kern Canal, and metered delivery is made to the growers via a pipelined system. Land within the District boundaries produce grapes, almonds, citrus, olives and stone fruits. The District does not own nor operate any wells; all groundwater within the District is pumped by landowners from privately owned wells.